Diminution of Negative Downtime using Lean Six Sigma


  • Dr.Kiruthiga.V, S.Jeyakumar


The well-developed Indian automotive industry ably fulfils this catalytic role by producing a
wide variety of vehicles. TI Metal Forming was established in 1965 as a division of Tube Investments of
India Limited. Negative downtime is a serious threat to any manufacturing business. One of the most
dreaded scenario within the manufacturing plant is that if one area backs up, it can have snowball effect on
other areas waiting for completion for previous processes to deliver parts of them. The project is carried out
to reduce the negative downtime in roll forming mill by improving material flow into the department. Each
and every activity of the company has been studied very carefully with the data available. Data is collected
by the plan data report and various observations from the organization. From the aligned data, the pareto
diagram was used for the final assessment. Lean six sigma was applied throughout the process to reduce the




