Multisensory Teaching Strategies In Enhancing Learning Mathematics Among Higher Secondary Students


  • Mr.N.Rajkumar , Dr.K.Nachimuthu


Effective teaching involves in a student’s motivated transmission of information,
understanding, creativity and problem solving skills to creating positive classroom
environments. The main objectives of the study is to find out whether the package use to
enhancing learning mathematics among higher secondary students is effective. The
researcher adopted the Quasi-Experiment method has gathered information to measure a
Multisensory Instruction definitely enhanced learning mathematics of higher secondary
students in mathematics. The investigator used simple random sampling technique for
selecting the sample from the population. The sample consists of 46 higher secondary
students studying in secondary level in Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu. The researcher has
constructed and standardized the following research tool (Achievement in Mathematics
questionnaire) to collect data from the sample. The statistical used descriptive analysis,
differential analysis. This researcher concluded, there is a significant difference in the post
test scores of learning mathematics among higher secondary students with a control group
and experimental group. This research outcome highlighted, Multisensory Instruction
definitely enhanced learning mathematics among higher secondary students for an
experimental group its effectiveness on the development of the adolescent students. Finally,
using multisensory teaching can help stimulate students’ minds and give them the ability to
get better learning mathematics outcomes




