Integrating Dictionary Lookup Approach With Fp Growth Algorithm For Emotion Mining In English Rhymes.


  • RishuGupta , WilliamjeetSingh


Every day it appears like we experience several unique feelings. Emotions have become an
important part of our daily life. Rhymes reverberate in our minds. A considerable partof our brain is
committed to pattern-matching. In this paper, a new functionality is projected for identifying emotions
in rhymes provided as corpus and then distinguishing those rhymes for different emotions. The primary
goal is to extract the emotions of the rhymes in text form in the English language. The main interest is to
identify the emotion category; the particular rhyme belongs to. The functionality includes the database
collection, root words dictionary and the text mining techniques. Proposed system works evaluates the
emotions according to the Intelligent FP Growth algorithm along with the use of dictionary lookup
approach. And in second phase proposed system intelligently finds the emotion words from the input
data and categorizes the input document according to the emotion words extracted. Experiments show
high accuracy for the system proposed. It was observed that proposed system successfully extract 94%
of emotions from the rhymes and the proposed system also have the provision the update the dictionary
and find new emotion words using root words.




