Trasnsformation In Banks Through The Impact Of E-Delivery Channels On The Performance Of Banks In Pre -And - Post E-Banking Period


  • Rajinder Kumar Uppal


The present study analyzes the bank employee’s productivity in pre - and post e-banking period (i.e. Pre-e-banking period 1996-97 to 2000-01 and Post e-banking Period 2001-02 to 2018-19).The study concludes that post e-banking period has edge over pre-e-banking period.  The employee per productivity   has increased to a large extent in post e-banking period. All the e-delivery channels have high positive and significant correlation with each parameters of employee productivity in post e-banking period. At the same time regression analyze shows huge vertical growth of employee productivity in post e-banking period. This significant difference in employee productivity indicates bright future of all e-delivery channels in banks and in the coming days there will be complete transformation in the banking industry.




