Global Change and Global Challenges in the Era of COVID-19 with reference to Keki N Daruwalla’s For Pepper and Christ.


  • Pansy Evangeline Victor . Dr. K. Charles Godwin .Dr. K.Lavanya,


The momentous change in history is known by its ‘big bang ‘moments and with small stray moments. The two incidents in maritime exploration changed the chores of time – Christopher Columbus discovery of America and Vasco da Gamma’s journey via the Cape of Good Hope to India. Both incident ushered for a brand new world of maritime exploration and finally led many centuries later for western imperialism. The same as with the present Covid_19 pandemics has created a trade imperialistic war fare with the western world to the communist world. The drastic change after the colonial imperialistic expansion to Covid-19 expansions is altogether an amalgamation of fall from drought to famine to worst GDP throughout.

            Keki N Daruwalla’s lyrical novel sets out to capture the mood of the 15th century when Portuguese traders are stealthily watching Arabs carrying their spice trade from India. The present paper titled Colonial Impact Vs COVID_19 Impact on Trade and Commerce with Reference to Keki N Daruwalla’s For Pepper and Christ intrigues the maritime trade through the region of Calicut in Kerala. The purpose of the sail and how vanity was in fair trade by the multiple narrative technique and through his elegant prose style bringing the contrast world of the East and the West with a comparative Covid_19 scenario reflecting for power annexure in the existing situation.




