A Systematic Approach for Brain Tumor Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms
The abnormal development of brain cells causes tumors. Tumors that arise in themselves are considered primary brain tumors and metastatic tumors which arise most commonly from the liver, breast, etc. Gliomas are one type of brain tumor. Gliomas are most frequently occurs in adults. Gliomas originates from glial cells. World health organization categorizes tumor into four types. Level I as well as II lesions are categorizes as semi-malignant tumors. Level III as well as IV lesions are categorizes as malignant tumors. Level IV gliomas are referred to as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). GBM distributed more along the fiber tracks of white matter. The overall survival time for GBM is one year. The simple approach for diagnosis of brain tumor is MRIMRI includes patterns, such patterns involve T1- MRI, T1- MRI with image acquisition, T2w MRI, T2w MRI with fluid-weighted inversion recovery.
Keywords- Gilomas, MRI, Brain Tumor Segmentation, Classification.