Ultrasonography Diagnosis of Thyroids Nodules: Guidelines for Malignancy


  • Mayuresh B. Gulame, Dr.Vaibhav.V. Dixit


A thyroid nodule is a lump which may be regular or cancerous that can form in your thyroid gland. Ultrasound imaging is one of the most effective diagnostic methods used to detect thyroid nodules. The preliminary management of thyroid nodules is driven by thyroid function testing and ultrasonographic features. Some ultrasound characteristics, such as a cystic or spongiform shape, indicate a benign process that not require additional testing. Suspicious sonographic patterns should cause cytological assessment, including solid structure, hypoechogenicity, irregular margins, and microcalcifications. As a second opinion for radiologists, several Computer Added Diagnosis Systems (CAD) were developed. Management should be based on the predicted likelihood of malignancy and the presence and severity of compressive symptoms and should require easy observation, local therapies, and surgeryThyroid US malignancy risk assessment is critical for selecting those who should have a biopsy performed with fine needle aspiration (FNA) in patients with nodules. Because of the critical role of the US thyroid in the treatment of patients with nodules, the American Radiology College. The classification of thyroid nodules using the above-mentioned criterion will improve the accuracy of the benign and malignant type distinction of thyroid nodules. Guidelines for malignancy risk are provided by the Thyroid Imaging, Reporting and Data System (ACR TI-RADS), European TI-RADS and Korean TI-RADS. This advice essentially includes the ability to judge the thyroid nodule type.




