Providing information in the form of infographic media with Motion as a Graphics Invitation to Understand the Company’s New Culture


  • Po Abas Sunarya , Lusyani Sunarya , Giandari Maulani , Henderi , Ankur Singh Bist


-Companies in Indonesia are currently required to have new innovations in conveying
information to their employees related to the existence of a new corporate culture. We will take an example
of research studies at MNC Group; a multinational company engaged in Media, Finance, Property, Natural
Resources and Transportation. The problem that occurred at the MNC Group at that time was because
there was no suitable media to inform the new culture of the company so that the information conveyed
was uneven. This study aims to provide information in the form of infographic media using Motion
Graphics as an invitation for employees to understand the MNC Group's new corporate culture. The
research method uses the problem analysis, data collection, media design analysis and media production
concepts. The results of this study are Providing information in the form of infographic media in the form
of videos with Motion Graphics that are interesting and contain invitations to the audience / employees to
know and understand the new culture of the company, which will be implemented on the company's TV
Wall, used in the Employee Induction program, which is shown on Internal meetings and published on
Youtube channel. The conclusion of this research is that providing information must be appropriate and
use media that attract the attention of the audience / employee so that the information conveyed can be
effective, efficient and targeted, especially for the delivery of information related to the company's new
culture so that it is easily understood and carried out by all employees , and to create stronger employee
commitments to the company and encourage better and better human resource performance from year to




