My Journey: Self Reflection As Innovative Behavior New Researcher


  • Mohammed Afandi Zainal, Miftahuljanah Kamaruddin, Nursohana Othman, Mohd Effendi


Being a researcher is not a glamourous career and everyone’s dream. To be a good researcher,
various obstacles and challenges need to be overcome especially in a new field of research.
Therefore, this paper will discuss about the author’s self-reflection through his experience as a
researcher in a new field, which is innovative behaviour among teachers during postgraduate study
from the initial phase up to graduation. This reflection is based on Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle Model
(1988) that has six levels: description, feeling, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. Apart
from that, this paper focuses on author’s procedure using Gibbs’ model to develop self-reflection in
self-improving effort before, during and after the study. This reflection also elaborates the author’s
view regarding the future for self-improving purposes. The main conclusion acquired is selfendurance element not only catalyses success, but shapes characters, such as self-awakening,
controlling challenges wisely and not conceding to life’s trials.




