Indonesian Translation of Na and Wa in Mezon Ikkoku 1 (1987)


  • Nurza Ariestafuri


In this study, the authors analyzed the matching of shuujoshi na and wa in Indonesian translation works. This research is motivated by the frequency of Japanese learners having difficulty understanding or differentiating between the functions and meanings of na and wa, as well as in order to find the right equivalent for the two shuujoshi so that there are no translation errors that result in changing the context and nuances of the original language. The purpose of this research is to know what Indonesian phatic particles can be associated with na and wa, and to know the feasibility of phatic particles as the equivalent of na and wa in Japanese. In other words, are all sentences containing na and wa which are equivalent to phatic particles are correct. From the results of the research, the authors can find out that the use of na and wa in different contexts is paired with different phatic particles. However, there are also several sentences that have a similar context which are matched with different phatic particles, in the sense that, for example, the sentence na with function A can be matched with phatic particles X and Y, or vice versa, functions A and B can be matched by one function X. Of several equivalent in Indonesian, the selected phatic particles follow the context so that the sentence adjusts so that it creates the same nuance as the source language.




