Estimation Model of Home Based Trip Generation in Graha Indah Housing, Samarinda City


  • Triana Sharly P. Arifin, Mardewi Jamal, Devi Prima Oktaviani


The amount of activities from the population in Graha Indah Samarinda Residence (as generator area) is enough to increment the burden of traffic on PangeranSuryanata street. With the growing number of traffic that passing by Graha Indah Samarinda Residence consequently jams the traffic within the road as well as in the road junction. The research was conducted to model transport generation movement, the factors affecting trip generation, relation between the validation of traffic generation with trip generation model, and the increase traffic to 5 years in the future on the Graha Indah Samarinda Residence.From the modeling, the best model which use is Y = 0,343 + in 0.296 X2 + 0,355 X5 + 0,714 X6 + 0,663 X9, with coefficient correlation (R) of 0,693 and coefficient determination (R2) of 0,481. The factors affecting trip generation in Graha Indah Samarinda Residence is the number of people who live in (X2), the number of people who go to school (X5), the number of people who travel (X6), and the amount of ownership car (X9). The results of analysis of traffic counting which has been done, the total vehicles out of housing by 2295 trips/day and these results almost the same modelling of analysis at 2413 trips/day. For the results of the estimated trip generation in the 2019 is 2438 trips/day, by 2020 is 2464 trips/day, in the year 2021 is 2491 trips/day, in the year 2022 is 2518 trips/day, and in 2023 is 2545 trips/day.




