Pedagogical Features Of Mental Development Of Preschool Children.


  • Yuldasheva Dilafruz Maxamadaliyevna , Òrinova Feruza Òljayevna , Tursunova Dilnavoz Tòlqin Qizi , Sharofutdinova Ra'noxon Shavkatovna ,Ashurova Oygul Anvarovna


t. In elaborating the scientific basis of preschool education, researchers have been
guided by the overall objectives of communist education, proceeding, first and foremost,
from the specific features of the early stages in the physical and mental development of the
child. Children differ from adults by virtue of the incompleteness of their bodily structure, the
immaturity of many of its functions, and the limited nature of their physical and mental
powers and abilities. The child must travel a long path of development in order to make the
transition from a helpless being requiring constant care to an intelligent member of society.
This development includes the physical growth and maturation of the body and the formation
of mental properties and abilities through the assimilation of social experience, which, at any
stage, depends upon the kind of experience that is assimilated and the specific nature of such
assimilation. The social experience that is fixed in the material and nonmaterial culture of
mankind has a great many different facets; only a small part is purposefully and
systematically transmitted to the child in the form of organized teaching. In all stages of
development, the child receives experience spontaneously, through various forms of contact
with the people around him, in everyday life and in various activities.




