Quantum Inspired Membrane Computing to Enhance Security in Cloud Network


  • K. Maharajan, S. Thangam, G. Visalaxi, A. Shenbagarajan, M. Jayalakshmi


Nature is the major source of inspiration, it gives a best solution ever. Human computation is nature-inspired technology. Its computational sources are from mainly biologically motivated computation. Whereas the existing computation follows some standard algorithms for attaining the task. In cloud IaaS is one of the primitive service, it provides many features for many users. There is a chance for lack of security, Since it may face many challenges in IaaS in cloud network such as, End to End encryption, Data leakage and monitoring, Authentication and Authorization. Even Traditional cryptography approach use efficient algorithms to build security in cloud network. Though, it has some blemishes in IaaS. In order to resolve such an issues it is proposed to use Quantum computing inspired Membrane infrastructure. It discover the new computational model within the computer science from the study of biological cells and quantum physics. By using this approach, it is possible to minimize the existing limitations. The work propose to introduce membrane systems as an effective framework for cloud environment for creating unique security among the cloud users by using   the simple distributed computational algorithms in an open and natural environment. They use framework for immune response to intruder attacks. Integrating Quantum Computing within the membrane environment and Cloud Computing technologies it is doable to overcome major cloud computing security issues. This stage presents a novel approach by applying quantum protocol into membrane environment for cloud security




