Privacy-Preserving Cloud Storage in Medical IoT using Hybrid Cryptography Algorithm


  • Mr. S. Sumahasan, Dr. D. Rajya Lakshmi


Medical electronics is additionally visiting advance with the applying of IoT, it is the fastest-growing technology. IoT is about finding an application everywhere and in everything. during this paper, we proposed a straightforward patient heartbeat display as an IoT application that could read the heart beat rate that continuously monitors the heartbeat rate and updates to an IoT platform which is the Thingspeak IoT Platform.Cloud is utilized in various fields like industry,healthcare,military, etc. Data stored during this cloud are often accessed or retrieved at the user's request without direct access to the server computer. But the foremost important concern regarding the storage of data online that's on the cloud is that of Security. These security concerns are often solved using various ways, the foremost commonly used techniques are cryptography and steganography. But sometimes one technique or algorithm alone cannot provide high-level security. So we've to introduce a replacement security mechanism that uses a combination of multiple cryptographic algorithms of symmetric key and steganography. During this proposed system 3DES (Triple encoding Standard), BlowFish, and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithms are used to provide security to data. Key information will contain the knowledge regarding the encrypted part of the file, the algorithm, and thus the key for the algorithm. File during encryption is split into 7 fragments. 




