Light Hand Toggle Press: A Cdio Pedagogy for Teaching Tool and Die Design


  • Nolasco Malabago , Eugenio Ermac , Roberto Suson, Narcisan Galamiton, Philip John Borromeo


This paper presents a pedagogical framework for designing a varied learning capability using
Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate with CDIO-based teaching method. Mechanical engineering education
at Cebu Technological University continually faces the challenge of educating mechanical engineers who
will graduate with capabilities on both engineering science and mechanical design. With the advent of the
K-12 program, project-based design courses are a necessity for design thinking. This study channels varied
learning capabilities of mechanical engineering students for applications in the fields of work through the
innovations of projects that allow engineering students to practice not only computational skills (analytical)
but also analysis in design (design thinking skills). A machine tool was then presented to the senior
mechanical engineering students following the CDIO model, analyzed for possible weak points, redesigned
for manufacturing and tested for acceptability and effectiveness. A positive feedback indicates that the
project was able to bridge the gap of analytical thinking and design thinking.




