Use of Recycled Aggregates in Self-Compacting Concrete


  • Lekshmy Raghavan P., Nalanth N.


This article presents a detailed and revised analysis of the attributes of compacting both fine and coarse recycled concrete. A major issue of self-compacting concrete having recycled aggregates (RASCC) is very beneficial forthe social order, because the construction industry is increasingly calling for new technologies to be implemented in order to reduce their adverse environmental consequences. Recycled aggregates are a global environmental added benefit in the concrete industry by decreasing the supply of natural aggregates and dumping waste. The benefits of using RASCC have expanded investigation in recent years, leading to research publications. The convergence of these two subjects has made it possible to incorporate the environmental and economic benefits of each material, thereby offering a creative, highly important material for the construction projects. Even though RASCC is a scientific field with reasonably recent advances, experiments have shown this to be feasible developing both conventional and semi-modern structural elements and massively complicated and heavily reinforced elements that obstruct the mechanisms of vibration and ultimately influence performance.




