Perpetual Motion Machine as an alternative energy source for environmental sustainability: A review of its past and future outlook


  • Mohammad Nor Fadly Amar, Dzuraidah Abd. Wahab, Rizauddin Ramli, Shahrum Abdullah


Ever since the beginning of human civilization, numerous efforts have been made to create the
perpetual motion machine by different eras of researchers, scientists, designers, and inventors. Today the
pursuit for alternative energy sources namely green energy, has gained significance due to the increasing
awareness on environmental sustainability. Although physics has stated three laws of thermodynamics,
which explain the impossibility of building any kind of perpetual motion machine (PMM), still inventors
and scientists across the world have tried extensively to do so and this effort continues today. This paper
presents the history and evolution of PMM from several inventors in the past. However, to date, none of
the inventions have reached the marketplace. Issues surrounding the PMM concept, which is in
contradiction with the thermodynamic laws, are also addressed. This paper provides a solid discussion
and conclusion on the potential and future outlook of PMM as an alternative energy source for
environmental sustainability.




