An Exploration of Fishermen Quality of Life Structural Model
This research was aimed at finding out fishermen’ s quality of life which hypothesized to be
affected by environmental leadership (EL), cohesiveness (COH), locus of control (LOC), social justice (SJ),
and Innovativeness (I). A causal survey method was used and 171 fishermen were selected randomly. There
were six validated instruments developed for measuring those variables. Its reliability respectively .820,
.913, .807, .253, .746, and .635. Quality of life is measured based on physic, economic, social, and
psychological dimensions. Data analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research results
revealed that all those instruments have high construct validity indicated by their factor loadings. This
indicated that all variables used were latent variables which specific dimensions, theoretically and
empirically. Based on its chi-square and also RMSEA values, the model developed has high goodness of fit.
Other findings found that innovativeness (I) was not a good mediated factor between all of the exogenous
variables and Qo, it was social justice was significantly a good mediated factor only between LOC and COH
with fishermen QoL due to leadership was not directly and significantly affected social justice. Since the
unexplained variance of QoL was not too high, therefore, these findings have a meaningful contribution
toward the theory of QoL. This implied that fishermen’ QoL could be empowered through policy
development by involving leadership as the main factor due to its highest contribution in affecting fishermen