Analysis of Education Inequality in the Return to Education Model in West Java


  • Nenny Hendajany*, Deden Rizal R Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sangga Buana,


West Java as the closest province to the capital city of Indonesia needs to have quality human
resources. There is an inequality of income in West Java which allows for inequality in
education as an enhancer of the quality of human resources. This article aims to analyses the
inequality seen from the return to education model. The analysis was expanded by separating
the male and female data to see whether there was a difference in the return value. With
SAKERNAS 2019 data, return to education is obtained through the sheepskin effect model.
The results of the return to education between men and women still show differences.
Likewise, there are differences in return values between regencies and cities in West Java.
This shows that there are still differences in the quality of education in West Java. The
government is expected to be able to improve the quality of infrastructure with priority in the




