Theory of Planned Behavior for Predicting Undergraduates Entrepreneurial Intention at Widyatama University


  • Fauzan Akbar Widiansyah*, Ariska Jaya Permana, Artarina D. A. Samoedra


Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. With this level of density, it is
actually in line with the large contribution of society in improving the country's economy. On
the contrary, the density of the population does not guarantee the welfare of society that is
evenly distributed throughout Indonesia, in fact there are still many areas with high levels of
open unemployment due to various factors. This study aims to analyze the theory of planned
behavior in increasing student interest in becoming entrepreneurs. This study uses
quantitative methods with multiple linear regression and a sample of 77 active students
majoring in management at Widyatama University. Theory of planned behavior has three
dimensions, each of which has its own impact. Attitude towards entrepreneurship has a
positive and significant effect on interest in entrepreneurship, subjective norms have a
negative effect on interest in entrepreneurship, and Perceived behavioral control has a
positive and significant effect on interest in entrepreneurship. Simultaneously, there is an
influence between theory of planned behavior on interest in entrepreneurship by 54.5%.




