Design of Smart School Bus Tracking Using Android (Case Study in Bandung City)


  • Muhammad Benny Chaniago*, Ayub Setyawan Wahyu Saputra, Deni Eka Pratama, Ilham Firdaus, Maulana Achsan


A proposed smart school bus tracking is an easy-to-use software, including web-based
programs and mobile applications, which primarily gives parents, students, and school
service companies the ability to track their school official vehicle location accurately. A
smart school bus of service information system is inevitable in the context of smart city
features. The mobile app makes it more elegant for kids/students using their school services;
parents can also easily track their kids' bus. Also, bus service companies can easily enroll
new students and determine school bus routes dynamically. This system provides scalability,
flexibility, low cost, security, and reliability. All shared location information and personal
user data are stored encrypted; parents can only receive information about their associated
bus. This system is based on web and mobile platforms and is implemented as an interactive




