Does Threat Perception Influence the Organization’s Rigid and Transformative Behavior? Based on the Empirical Test of 171 Companies


  • Panfeng Chai, Xiulan Meng, Zhen Li


Scholars at home and abroad have studied enterprise change behavior from the perspective of environmental threat, but the conclusions are still contradictory. In order to further clarify the impact of environmental threats on corporate behavior and the role of political connections in the middle, a theoretical hypothesis model is proposed and tested with 171 data. The results show that: competition threat perception has an inverted U-shaped relationship with resource conservative change, but it is not conducive to procedural stereotype change; innovation threat perception has a positive effect on resource conservatism and procedural stereotype change; political connection has a strong moderating relationship between market threat perception and organizational fossilization change. Based on this, this paper proposes that the government and enterprises should be linked to each other to protect fair market competition, create a positive environment for innovation and build an interactive relationship between government and enterprises.




