Analysis Of Student Satisfaction With Academic Services Using Fuzzy Mamdani Method


  • Darsono Nababan, Justin Eduardo Simarmata


Student satisfaction is one of the most important factors in the world of education as a form of evaluation of the services provided, so that student satisfaction becomes a benchmark in providing services. The objectives of this study were (1) to measure the level of satisfaction and to present student satisfaction with academic services, (2) to determine the level of quality of academic services to students. In addition to the research objectives above, one of the aspects of the assessment of the accreditation body, the aspect of student satisfaction is measured by aspects, tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The analysis of academic services is based on the results of the questionnaire and then processed using the Mamdani fuzzy method. There are five stages in the fuzzy Mamdani method in obtaining output, namely determining the fuzzy set, fuzzification, forming fuzzy rules, inference, and defuzzification. By using the fuzzy mandani method, the quality of academic services will be obtained from these 5 aspects.




