The interrelation of Customer Relationship Management and Product Life Cycle Through Display Innovation of Batik Madura, Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the effect of customer relationship management on the product
life cycle, the effect of customer relationship management on the display innovation, the indirect
effect of customer relationship management on the product life cycle through display innovation and
the effect of display innovation on the product life cycle. The population of this research was batik
entrepreneurs on Madura Island, Indonesia. The sampling technique used proportional random
sampling. The number of batik entrepreneurs who became respondents was 120. Data collected
through distributing online questionnaires. The primary data entered is done editing, tabulating and
then processed using Smart Partial Leasquare software. Based on the results of the analysis revealed
that customer relationship management effect on the product life cycle, customer relationship
management effect on display innovation, customer relationship management indirectly effect on
product life cycle through display innovation and display innovation effect on the product life cycle.
It means that display innovation and customer relationship management play an important role in
enhancing the product life cycle.