Jammer To Detect And Avoid Hidden Camera Using EMP Waves


  • S.Subhashini, S.Ashok Kumar, R.Indumathi, V.Selvi


Hidden cameras has become major issues nowadays, especially in the case of women and children. Security becomes great threatening due to un lawful recordings using hidden cameras.  The security is achieved in such cases by using EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) which plays the important role in the application of security project. Jamming required range of frequency of electronic devices. The EMP are most powerful methods which destroys any electronic devices by blocking its signal to a desired range .The EMP waves encounters the desired range of frequencies of electronic devices and stops working of it. Placing of components like EMP will provides security and avoids leaks of secret matters. This can be used in many other applications like trail rooms in textile shops, hotel rooms, military warfare, smart cities and soon.




