Development Application of Web-Based Management of Scientific Work and Teaching Materials During the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Andar Gunawan Pasaribu, Senida Harefa, Grace Lamudur Arta Sihombing, Frainskoy R. Naibaho, Tahadodo Waruwu


This study aimed to development application can display the scientific work of students, teaching materials based web and effective application in managing scientific papers and web-based teaching materials. This research was conducted on IAKN Tarutung students by using a development research method. Development is carried out through stages, namely preliminary studies (needs analysis), design development, validation of device design experts, revision of design expert validation results, validation by material experts, revision of results of material experts' investigations, small group trials, and large group testing. The results of testing the use of the application with an average value of 88%, so it can be concluded that the application of scientific paper management and web-based teaching materials is practical and very effective for managing student scientific work and web-based teaching materials.




