Social Media Mining with K-Means Clustering: An Analyze of Digital Marketing
The creative industry in the fashion sector in West Sumatra is well developing, starting from the fashion of screen printing t-shirts with tag lines of words in West Sumatra, party costumes made from SongketSilungkang and PandaiSikek, embroidery and embroidery typical of RanahMinang, this is supported by the increasing number of emerging new fashion designers in West Sumatra. Marketing of the Industry fashion product is carried out by individuals conventionally and with social media support, even if having a website is only used as information medium, but minimal product sales transactions. This is certainly a challenge to all West Sumatra fashion creative industry players in increasing marketing in the current era of digital technology. For this reason, digital marketing analysis was carried out in the West Sumatra fashion creative industry by using the k-means clustering data mining method. This research produces a group of fashion creative industries that are very active, active and less active in digital marketing based marketing. Then, give recommendations for the development of an integrated web-based digital marketing application for fashion creative industries in West Sumatra Province.
Keywords: K-Means, Clustering, Data Mining, Digital Marketing, Fashion Creative Industry.