Business Intelligent Implementation of National Park Visitors in West Java and Central Java


  • Sigit Septiadi, Chaerul Umam, Riki Subarkah, Ahmad Fabian Rahardiansyah, Ari Purno Wahyu W


Business Intelligence is currently a solution or method in solving problems related to data, especially databases. Business Intelligence is able to read very large and large data into several group variables required by its users. BI is also able to make data very dynamic and informative, so that the data displayed can make it easier for its users according to the data needs in the field. In this study, the data taken is the National Park visitor data with the subject of the visitors. The presence of this Business Intelligence is expected to be a solution in solving the data problems of visitors who are increasing and piling up every day. The algorithm used in this case is the clustering algorithm or the k-means algorithm, then the steps in the research phase carried out are to carry out field analysis and data from various basecamp points according to the needs of field data, both transportation facilities to geographic location. The system built in processing this data is a web analysis by combining the programming language PHP, JQuery, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap 4, JavaScript, with the MySQL database and the Codeighniter 3 framework. The results show that Business Intelligence can be a solution in mapping movements mass of visitors to the national park from various regions so that it can facilitate various parties in dealing with and overcoming events that occur in the National Park area




