Use Of Photoelectric And Wind Power Installations In The Agrarian Industrial Complex Of Turkmenistan


  • Ya. Charyev, S.Nazarov, K.Saryyev, A.Matyakubov


It is known, that today, the one of the long-term directions in solving of energy saving issues effectively is applying renewable energy sources. Despite the fact that the current solar photovoltaic stations have the main disadvantages related with the high cost, the prospects of their application in autonomous systems of energy supply are evident when they are used in combined (hybrid) systems. In such systems, other types of renewable and traditional sources of energy, which, in addition, produce heat, might be used as well. We have disclosed the prospects of the solar energy; also, for solar energy assessment we examined analytical expressions allowing define the energy amount got from solar radiation for specific surfaces. The calculations start with obtaining statistical information obtained at meteorological stations which keeps records of the intensity of the total (direct plus diffuse) radiation on a horizontal surface, and the intensity of direct solar radiation. The article represents features of the calculation taking into account the climatic and territorial conditions, on the example of the Ashgabat city. Considered calculation procedure is the first stage of designing solar power plants. Further, we determine the total capacity of energy consumers, as well as the quality requirements for electricity, including continuity of energy supply, and then we get to the construction of the block diagram of the energy supply. In this scheme, we must provide primary and reserve power sources. We select the main equipment of solar power plant (solar panels, inverters and storage batteries). It is shown that to increase the reliability, including uninterrupted power supply, a long-term direction is the development of combined power supply systems where the wind power, gas or diesel power can be used as addition to the solar power plant.




