Teaching Reform of English Linguistics Course under Network Environment Based on Ahp Data Analysis


  • Gao Chengji


English linguistics course plays an important role in English learning. However, there are some problems in the teaching of English linguistics, which affect the teaching effect and need to be reformed and innovated. With the development of Internet, Internet plus has become a trend of development in various fields. English teaching is no exception. The Internet has pointed out the direction and provided technical support for the reform of English linguistics teaching. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a simple, flexible and practical multi criteria decision-making method for quantitative analysis of qualitative problems. Based on AHP method, this paper studies the present situation and development of English linguistics teaching reform in our university. Through the intervention of autonomous learning system and web page development, students' self-test, self-evaluation and effective tracking of teachers can be realized, and hierarchical evaluation database and students' reading files can be established. Experimental data show that this method can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of English linguistics classroom.




