Construction of Police Practical Training Quality Evaluation System Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation


  • Zhiguo Yang, Yaoyao Duan


Actual combat training is based on combat tasks, the actual combat environment as the background, and the improvement of combat effectiveness as the foundation. Practical training is an important part of police education and training and an important way to cultivate and improve the combat effectiveness of police forces. In view of the relativity and fuzziness of the evaluation indexes of police actual combat training quality, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate the quality of police actual combat training. The evaluation index system of police actual combat training quality evaluation is established, and the fuzzy comprehensive demonstration model based on entropy weight of adjacent superior membership degree is adopted, and the advantages and disadvantages are evaluated according to the principle of maximum membership degree, and reasonable results are obtained by examples. The evaluation method is clear in thinking and convenient in calculation, which provides a way of thinking for evaluating the quality of police actual combat training.




