VeNADet: Version Number Attack Detection for RPL based Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the latest technologies in the realm of innovation. Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is a promising Protocol to facilitate routing in IoT. This protocol could be exposed to specific attack during the Destination Oriented Direct Acyclic Graph (DODAG) construction. The Version Number Attack is one of the attacks initiated by the global repair mechanism and increases the control traffic in the network which in turn affects the performance. Hence, it is a challenging issue for RPL security. In this paper a new attack detection mechanism VeNADet is proposed and implemented in Cooja Simulator. The outcomes of this research work illustrate that the proposed method detects the Version Number Attacks with a very high True Positive and it raises very low false alarm rate.
Keywords- IoT; RPL; global repair; DODAG; Version Number Attack; VeNADet