Ultrasonic Extraction and Optimization of Crude Bio Oil from Redwood Seeds


  • Sri Arthi. M , Dharmendira Kumar. M


Economical competency for the comfortable lifestyle passionately increases automobile usage, in turn, depletes the
fossil fuels over the decades. Furthermore, increasing concerns over the impacts of these resources on the global
climate, human health, and ecosystems around the world are prompting researchers to find more alternate sources
to replace petrodiesel. These concerns dig on the feedstock improvement technologies to promote a viable and
commercially available Biofuel that leads to search four generations of sources. The drawback of one generation
leads to the rise of the next-generation sources. The sources are available on the second-generation sources (nonedible seed) are yet to be explored. This study investigates the moisture content of certain seeds that were analyzed
by the oven-dry method. The average particle size of the Redwood seeds was determined by screen analysis.
Optimization of Oil extraction method was carried out by Ultrasonic assisted solvent extraction. The yield of
Redwood seed oil was 23%. In this study, the results were proven that Redwood seed oil is a suitable feedstock for
biodiesel production.




