The Relationship Between The Behaviors In Using Social Media Use And The Change In Social Behaviors Of Secondary Education School Students In Thailand


  • Lo Van Louis Serrano, Melada Sarutworadej, Prisana Khampoosiri, Kameelah Sawee


The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the behaviors in using online social media and the changes in social behavior of secondary education students in Thailand. This study used the stratified ransom sampling technique with class level as the stratification identifiers for a sample size of 385 students. The data obtained were analyzed with Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test and Pearsons simple correlation.

It was found that 1) The type of social platform secondary education students used the most was video and photo sharing websites followed by social networking sites, micro-blog sites, and online multiplayer gaming platforms in that order. 2) The levels of the behaviors in using online social media were highest both in part and as a whole. 3) The levels of change in social behaviors were highest in both the personal dimension and as a whole. 4) When comparing the levels of behaviors in using online social media, the levels of behaviors in using social media of lower secondary educations students were higher than those of upper secondary education students with statistical difference of 0.01. The levels of behaviors in using social media of male students were higher than those of female students with statistical significance of 0.01. 5) When comparing the change in social behavior, the changes in social behavior of lower secondary education students were higher than those of secondary students with a statistically difference of .01, while male student displayed higher changes in social behavior than those of female students with statistical significance of 0.01. 6) The relationship between the behaviors in using online social media and the change in social behavior were very high level with statistically significance of 0.01 and Pearson product moment Simple Coefficient of 0.859.




