Data Logging by Face Recognition Using open Cv and Raspberry Pi


  • D. Sattianadan , K. Vijayakumar , Hashim Abul Hasan , Akshay Sharma , Ananta Anand


This paper projects the method of detecting and recognizing the face in real-time using Raspberry Pi and Python.
The system uses a camera that will be able to detect people, auto counter & log into the system. A single portal is
used for a member’s Entry and Exit. These Entry and Exit functions are triggered by a GUI. Spreadsheets are used
in the project to display the registered as well as the logged in information of the members. This paper proposed the
modified algorithm of Haar’s Cascades developed by Viola-Jones for face detection and uses LBP histograms for
face recognition. The human face contains various features and characteristics, which gives each one of us a
different identity. Face recognition is an identification system that uses the characteristics of a person’s face to
obtain the person's identity. The human face recognition process consists of two stages: face detection, here the
camera detects that there is a face in front of it; this process is rapid in humans and the next is recognizing or
identifying that face among a group of people. The recognition stage is mostly worked upon to develop models for
facial recognitions.




