Practical Perspective of E-Procurement And Fraud Detection on Public Sector Organization


  • Dodi Hardinata, Kamaludin, Slamet Widodo, Fadli


Purpose - This paper aims to clarify the study of corruption in the procurement of goods/services in public organizations studied through the anthropological and democratic dimensions which are too broad in scope and cannot withstand the main substance in the discussion of specific corruption in public organizations. Another objective is to build a model for implementing e-Procurement in Indonesia so that it can play an optimal role in reducing the risk of corruption. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with structured interviews which are used as data collection techniques. Interviews were conducted with 14 informants consisting of elements from the KPK, LKPP and Vendors. The design of a method of procuring goods/services that is appropriate and credible is one solution to reduce the risk of corruption, which begins with the process of procuring government goods/services. The e-Purchasing method with the e-Cataloque mechanism without negotiation with vendors is a tangible form of selecting the method of procurement of goods/services which is considered to be very supportive of efforts to prevent corruption in Indonesia, because it can directly limit corrupt behavior in public organizations. Fraud in the procurement of government goods and services starting from budget planning can be minimized by implementing e-Budgeting, e-Planning, and e-Procurement so that there is no longer any budget planning processes that are irrelevant to the needs of the national mid-term plan or government work plans on an annual scale. Fraud in PBJ planning can be minimized with the help of a system in the form of LPSE technology with the e-Purchasing method through the non-negotiation e-Catalogue mechanism. This paper discusses sensitive issues related to corruption in the procurement of goods/services. This study also explains the operational construction of the e-Procurement implementation model in Indonesia so that it can play an optimal role in reducing the risk of corruption.




