Collaboration Model in Poverty Reduction in East Kutai District, Indonesia


  • Jamiatulkhair , Bonaventura Ngarawula , Sri Hartini Jatmikowati


Poverty is still a relevant issue in public administration science, especially in policy studies. The sustainable
development agenda places the issue of poverty as a top priority in development policy. The causes of poverty that
are increasingly complex and multidimensional makes patterns of poverty reduction through policies constantly
adapting. In the East Kutai Regency - East Kalimantan, poverty is increasing from year to year to make the Regional
Government innovate in poverty alleviation with a structural approach and with the empowerment approach. In this
context, the research conducted aims to examine the implementation of poverty reduction policies with a
collaboration model so that synergies between actors in poverty alleviation are built. The method used to dig up
information is a qualitative method with interactive analysis techniques. The results obtained from this study are that
the institutional set up is sufficient if the performance is optimized professionally. However, professionalism in
realizing an immigration program that involves multi actors in poverty alleviation is still unable to be pushed
together, due to the lack of continuous planning and coordination. Coupled with the limited resources available to
innovate in developing poverty alleviation strategies in Kutai East Surabaya based on the characteristics of the local
community. The results of this study build a multistakeholder model in poverty alleviation involving private actors,
government, and civil society. Each actor with their respective roles becomes the driving force for local government
policy in alleviating poverty simultaneously and with the principle of togetherness.




