Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Jackfruit Seed Methyl Ester Blends with Adittive and Advanced Injection Timing


  • N.Sivarama Krishna, R.Vijay Krishna , K.Madhu babu


The use of biodiesels is on the rise in the modern world. Biodiesel has been discovered to be a viable diesel alternative, as well as a clean and renewable energy source. In today's world, biodiesel has slowly gained global attention. The current research focuses on jackfruit oil and diesel blends. A 20% jackfruit oil and diesel blend is prepared and tested in a regular direct injection diesel engine of 230 bTDC. The BTE and BSFC of JOME20 are 33% and 0.26 kg/kWh at full load. Further JOME20 is also tested at advanced injection timing of 270 bTDC. The BTE of JOME20 at 270bTDC is 36% and NOX emissions are 2334 ppm. The results shown JOME20 at advanced injection timing has better BTE compared to JOME20 at standard injection timing. But the NOX emissions are found to be high at advanced injection timing. When higher alcohol 1-butanol is added to JOME20 at advanced injection timing of 270 bTDC NOX emissions decreased as concentration of 1-butanol is increased. NOX outflow decreased by 5.65% and 8.42% for JOME20-1B20 and JOME20-1B30 when compared to JOME20 at advanced injection timing. BTE decreased when higher alcohol is added to blends. BTE decreased by 2.92% and 5.03 % for JOME20-1B20 and JOME20-1B30 when compared to JOME20 at advanced injection timing for peak pressure condition. In this study finally concluded from the result 1-butanol additive with diesel give lowest emissions than diesel.




