Effect of Antihypoxants on the Energy Metabolism of Mitochondria in Some Rat Organs


  • Shirinova I.A


In experiments on rats, oxygen consumption parameters were studied under conditions of acute
exogenous hypoxia without concomitant hypercapnia after administration of a new ant hypoxic selenium
metal complex nQ1983 at a dose of 100 mg / kg peros. The standard energy metabolism in rats was also
evaluated against the background of the action of the studied substance.
As a means of comparison, the well-known antihypoxant Amtisol in the same dose was used. It was found
that the substance nQ1983 significantly reduces the rate of oxygen consumption by animals, which can
increase their resistance to acute exogenous hypoxia. The decrease in oxygen consumption is probably due
to the inhibitory effect of the substance nQ1983 on energy-intensive processes in the body (their 2-fold
slowdown), which was proved in experiments. The reference substance Amtisol had similar effects, which
manifested themselves in a milder form.




