Utilization of Waste Plastic in Manufacturing of Bricks ? Literature Review.


  • Pankaj Kumar , Ishita Ratra


Plastic has been a widely used material that has several environmental issues, the biggest
challenge is the disposal of waste plastic. Nearly 26,000 tons of waste plastic is produced in India which
gives rise to water-borne diseases and burning plastic waste leads to air pollution. Also, natural resources are
being used extensively and have created an imbalance between the availability and usage of conventional
building materials. As natural materials are rapidly vanishing due to the higher demand replacing it by the
waste material will conserve it. From, the total 94% of waste is thermoplastic or recyclable which can be
utilized in brick manufacturing.
The past studies have concluded that a certain amount of plastic in brick improves brick qualities along with
bitumen and sand. There has been a reduction in water absorption due to the physical properties of plastic,
and an increase in compressive strength than conventional bricks. Although, there is more significance
needed to be given for uncovered areas. The use of bricks is in demand, both as a filler and structural
material, and by using plastic in bricks, it will provide an effective way of waste utilization by reducing the
impact on the environment and reduction in the manufacturing price of bricks.




