Gamification Applications for Teaching and Learning


  • Bazilah A. Talip , NoorulAmilinMohdZahari , NabilaSafra Hasni , DelinaBeh Mei Yin , Amalia@Amelia Mukhlas


The main purpose of this article is to investigate the influence of modern technology towards
popular culture. Nowadays, the rapid change of modern technology has changed the way people experience
pop culture and it exists in every country globally. Availability and accessibility to information make
popular culture experience emerge serendipitous. It allows the user to share their experience much easier and
faster on online platform. This paper found that the use of the social media platform has transformed the
way people experience pop culture, the impact of modern technology on pop culture, how the pop culture
influences the youth in today's world and the uses of social media for communication in spreading the trend
of pop culture




