Analysis of Employee Motivation and Work Effectiveness at the Bone District Inspectorate


  • Asriadi Burhanuddin , Yuliana Madeali , Jumiati Ishak , Andi Onasis , Awaluddin Amrin


This study aims to determine between employee work motivation, and work effectiveness of
Bone Regency Regional Inspectorate employees. In order to uncover these problems, the determination of
the sample in this study uses the saturation sample technique. For data collection methods used observation,
interviews and questionnaires. Analysis of the data used are: Descriptive Analysis through frequency tables
to describe variables Employee work motivation, Employee work effectiveness at the Bone Regency
Regional Inspectorate.
The results showed that, the work motivation of employees at the Regional Inspectorate of Bone Regency
was quite good qualifications. this is due to the attention of the leadership in meeting the needs of its
apparatus which includes physiological needs, security and safety needs, social needs, appreciation needs,
and self-actualization needs, and supported by good cooperation from colleagues. The work effectiveness of
employees at the Regional Inspectorate of Bone Regency is quite good qualifications. This is influenced by
the existence of good work motivation from the apparatus so that it can carry out its tasks and functions by
giving good results, although all of them provide a pretty good assessment but it still needs improvement to
be able to produce maximum results.




