Strategic Marketing in Indonesian Radio Companies: Integrated Radio Brands Communications


  • Kartika Singarimbun*, Siti Karlinah , YuliandreDarwis , DadangRahmatHidayat


The study examined the extent to which radio branding communication activities follow the
principle of coordination that characterizes an integrated marketing communication approach. The
qualitative exploratory approach entailed in-depth interviewswith key informants from three different wellknown youth radio brand companies who were involved in the implementation of radio branding
communications in terms of on-air programs, off-air activities, online presence and OOH (Out of Home)
events. Results show that there are three radio companies that managed to drive their organization in the 4.0-
era complexity of the business situation using brand radio as its marketing strategy. The consistent and
continuous creativity of activities and broadcast programs makes the radio brand embedded in the minds of
people. Owners of radio companies that swiftly become accustomed to the technology and implement it as a
part of strategic marketing will be the advertiser's choice. The results of this study also reveal that the use of
integrated radio brand communications will constantly build awareness, engagement and acquisition with
the listener. The study of radio-based integrated brand communications has not received sufficient attention
from communication researchers around the world.




