“Is India heading towards recession?”: An analysis of the current economic scenario of India


  • Dr. Hari Prapan Sharma , Ashish Chaturvedi


The Indian economy has for several years witnessed significant growth and simultaneously the
country has been termed as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. However, recently the
economy has witnessed several bottlenecks both in demand as well as supply side. It has been argued by
several critiques that the consumption is on all-time low and decrease in purchasing power of the consumers
has resulted in reduced investment. Through this paper, the authors have attempted to analyze whether the
criticism is factually correct. The authors have analyzed the data of the components of GDP calculation such
as consumption, expenditure, investment and export. The paper will be of immense importance to
academicians/scholars/practitioners as it will act as a ready reference for them to have a brief understanding
of the current scenario of the Indian economy.
PS: The authors understand that the Covid-19 Pandemic will have a significant impact on all of the
economic factors, however, the pandemic has not been considered while writing this research paper




