Pandemic and Refugees: With Special Reference to Rohingya Refugee Crisis


  • Ms. Vani Prakash


This paper revolves around the refugee crisis in times of pandemics specially in this COVID-19 dwell a little on past conduct and gravity of current situation. The worldwide refugee crises are now facing another obstacle that has acted as a big impediment, it is the COVID-19 pandemic which has worsened the already existing troubles refugees had. They are in in these miserable conditions are at grave risk at  multiple levels firstly due to their congested and stuffed camps and unfortunate situation regarding cleanliness sanitation hygiene and public such camps they are at increased threat of  becoming infected with the virus and be subjected to more serious symptoms, secondly there’s an additional  burden on states for attention and resources  therefore making the refugees the last thread for such attention ,thirdly this condition and the restrictions attached with the pandemic they are most likely to confront augmented struggle in requesting asylum.

The paper further explores about India’s reaction to the Rohingya issue, it can be traced back to two phases where initially the UPA government extended its full support to giving a haven for the refugees. It pledged to follow the principles of non-refoulement and voluntary repatriation under international law. But later we saw a change in situations. Also, it goes on ponder upon the intersectionality of gender issues of this crises along with their refugee status.




