On Some Peculiarities of How a Nanosize “ZnS”-type Molecule Might Form in the Lattice of Si
The paper reports experimental results of diffusion doping of single crystalline silicon samples
with zinc, sulfur and with zinc and sulfur jointly. The comparative analysis of three type (Si<B,S>,
Si<P,Zn> and Si<P,S,Zn>) samples is presented. The authors also investigated the photoelectric properties
of Si<B,S>, Si<P,Zn> and Si<P,S,Zn> samples on Infra Red Spectrometer. A slight electronic peak tilt is
observed in Si <P,S,Zn> in compare to Si <B,S>, Si<P,Zn> samples. The authors assume that a new
molecule type- Si-S2+Zn2- is probably being formed in silicon lattice as a result of simultaneous doping of
silicon with sulfur and zinc.