A Study on Usage Pattern and Purchase Intention of a New Car of the Passenger Car users


  • Dr. Gigi G. S., S. K. Balajee, K. Rakesh


India is the 4th largest player in automobile industry. Year on Year sales increasing level measured with 9.5 per cent and 4.02 million units were sold till 2017. India also possesses strong export growth during the financial year 2019 which was marked with 14.5 per cent. All these numbers tell us there is a demand for automobiles. Transportation is bread and butter of civil life. People may need it for various purposes based on life style. It’s also treated as the mark of person’s social status. Automobile industry is ever growing and ever evolving industry. Buyer’s intention and purpose also changes based on current demand. This paper focused to find usage pattern and purchase intention of a new car of the passenger car users. The study involved among 50 samples. More than 30% of the users using Maruti car as it giving more mileage when compared to other cars, and most of the users doesn’t have concern about the environment. To improve this, users should have better knowledge in buying the car and should have concern about the environment for betterment of the society.




