Judicial Review of Judicial Commission Role in Code of Ethics and Judges Code of Conduct Implementation
Judicial Commission as an institution that created for dealing with fraud in the court especially in
the judicial world until so far it has not shown significant result as expected by the justice seeker
community. Judicial Commission in carrying out its duties often experience various problems, one of which is an
inhibiting factor, especially at the recommendation phase of implementing sanctions against the judge to the
Supreme Court. The Supreme Court up to this year has often easily ruled out these recommendations
because there is no clear timeframe or time limit on when the Supreme Court must process the
recommendations. The existence of Judicial Commission as an independent institution should be
accompanied by authority that can support its position and duties as the guardian of the judiciary dignity.
Weak response from the Supreme Court proves that Judicial Commission in practice often experiences
obstacles and is very easy to be ruled out. The focus of the monitoring program cannot be done
independently, and the integrity of judges is getting worse in the public eye
Although the number of reports indicates a significant increase, the follow up that can be carried out by the
Judicial Commission is very limited. Efforts to synchronize tasks and authorities between Judicial
Commission and Supreme Court from those recorded in 2005 until now have proven unsuccessful.
Therefore, it is clear here that systems change is needed so that the Judicial Commission can carry out its
duties in maintaining the judicial dignity, standards and values efficiently and effectively. For this reason, it
is expected that a revision of Law No. 8 of 2011 concerning the Judicial Commission is to be done again in
order to strengthen the authority of the Judicial Commission so that people that are seeking justice can get
the justice they are looking for.