Use of GPS-Trace Architecture with Internet of Thing Based Support Sensors


  • Sukenda*, Angga Duta P., Taufik Hidayat, Dena Ramdani, M. Syaeful Bakhri


Mass transportation in urban areas usually uses buses. The existence of city buses is very helpful
for urban community activities in carrying out mobility. City buses operate at hours specified by the manager
of this transportation mode. The imbalance between city buses and people who use city bus transportation
services is added to the congestion of roads that cause congestion. So that this mass transportation, city buses,
often delays. This delay will cause uncertainty in serving transportation for the mobility of the city community.
Uncertain bus arrival schedule to available bus stops. In this case, prospective passengers who are at the bus
stop are tired of waiting for the arrival of the bus, so they move to a flexible mode of transportation. GPSTRACB,
a technology that uses GPS Tracker to find out the whereabouts of city buses. GPS-TRACB, a
technology that is equipped with an application stored on a smartphone on a city bus that is integrated with a
GPS Tracker, so that prospective bus passengers can find out where the city bus is being used. So that
prospective passengers can estimate whether to take a city bus or not, because they can predict the arrival of
city buses through an application found on the smartphone owned by the passenger. Applications that can be
integrated with GPS-TRACB found on city buses. Android-based smartphones are used as a platform for
running GPS-TRACB. GPS-TRACB technology uses a GPS tracer with Arduino Uno hardware. The
architectural design of GPS-TRACB, a system that combines the capabilities of the Arduino Uno device, GPS
tracker, and Android-based applications to communicate with each other.




