Ethical And Legal In Counseling Training Module Based On Blended Learning: Reliability And Validity


  • Nurul Hasyimah Mat Rani, Hapsah Md Yusof, Samsiah Mohd Jais, Muhammad Bazlan Mustafa, Muhammad Nasir Bistamam


The Covid-19 pandemic has struck this country and the entire word causing a new norm to be adapted
for everyday life. This, too, affects the teaching and learning in higher-educational institutions. Online learning
methods have been fully utilised ever since the beginning of the Movement Control Order, which began on the
18th March 2020. The amalgamation of online learning method and contact learning is blended learning which
gives a continued chance for the teaching and learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic in higher-education
institutions in Malaysia and all over the world. The blended learning method in teaching and learning is able to
increase the two-way communication between lecturer and student, collaborations between students and a variety
of learning approaches (Maizatul Hayati Mohamad Yatim & Ummu Husna Azizan, 2017). The objective of this
research is to (i) identify activities in the ethical and legal training module in counseling using blended learning,
(ii) to determine the validity of the contents of the ethical and legal training module in counseling using blended
learning, and (iii) to determine the credibility of the contents of the ethical and legal training module in counseling
using blended learning. Module construction methods based on Sidek’s Module are used in this research (Sidek
and Jamaluddin, 2005). This module contains two levels, where the first level is the preparation of the draft
module while the second level is testing and evaluating the module. Three experts are chosen to evaluate the
validity of the content of the module. As for the pilot study, approximately 37 students of Bachelor Degree in
Education (Guidance and Counseling) were chosen for this research. This research will be advantageous to future
trainee counselors especially for Bachelor Degree in Guidance and Counseling students in UPSI and in local
universities in Malaysia offering Counseling Programme. The results of this research will also be able to give
impact to lecturers in the field of counseling as this module will be using blended learning that combines
traditional learning and online learning. This module will also be effective in helping online learning especially
when the nation is facing the Covid-19 pandemic. This research also hopes to produce an effective ethical and
legal training module by using learning methods that support Edu 4.0. Other that, this module can be suggested
to be used as one of the basic ethical and legal training for Malaysian counselors in line with the Continuous
Professional Developmental of professional in Malaysia.




